Melasma Treatment in Vancouver & Burnaby

Melasma, also known as the “mask of pregnancy”, is a skin discoloration condition that is hard to keep under control. This condition is characterized by brown patches on the face including on the cheeks, forehead, chin, and upper lips.
Melasma affects women in their productive years (typically 20-50 years) hence its “mask of pregnancy” nickname. Most women affected by this condition are either pregnant, have exposed themselves to UV for a prolonged period, or have darker skin tones (Asians, Latina, or Middle Eastern). The condition typically disappears over time, but some are so stubborn they cannot be covered by makeup and can be a source of low self-esteem for victims.

That’s where Orchid Skin Care swoops in.

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The Best Melasma Treatment Burnaby

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We expertly treat melasma using several methods to refresh and restore your complexion. They include:
  • Laser skin resurfacing
  • Light exfoliation facials
  • Cosmeceutical skincare using high-quality sunscreens
  • Laser photo facials for skin rejuvenation. 
  • We also use the best equipment in Canada to pre-treat melasma if the spots have formed beneath the dermal layer. 
Our clients come from the Lower Mainland including places like Delta, Langley, Burnaby, and New Westminster among others. All of them have benefited from our advanced approach to treating this condition.
If you are looking for the best melasma treatment services, we welcome you to Orchid Skin Care where our able experts will help you identify the best treatment method for your skin. We will help you unleash the best version of yourself.

What Sets Us Apart


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How Does Your Melasma Treatment Burnaby BC Work?

Melasma is a stubborn skin condition that refuses to go away when using a single treatment procedure. We, therefore, prefer to take a combination approach.
We have so much expertise and technology at our disposal and we can mix all of them to create a bespoke solution for your specific case. We also use the best tools so we can target the melisma at different levels of your skin.
In addition, we also offer you repeated sessions and maintenance to keep the condition under control. Our dermatologists and skin care professionals will also prescribe the necessary medication and other skin care products that match your skin.
We have everything required to successfully treat melisma without having to send you to another specialist. That’s why many of our patients in Burnaby consider us the best melasma treatment service provider.
If you live in Burnaby and its surroundings, we are confident that we can help with your melasma. Just pick up the phone and contact us today.


Melasma is a skin condition that causes brown patches on the face. It is most common in women, and it is often triggered by sun exposure, pregnancy, or hormonal changes.

The most common symptom of melasma is the appearance of brown patches on the face. These patches can be anywhere on the face, but they are most common on the cheeks, forehead, and upper lip.

The exact cause of melasma is not known, but it is thought to be caused by a combination of factors, including sun exposure, pregnancy, hormonal changes, and genetics.

There is no cure for melasma, but there are treatments that can help to reduce the appearance of the brown patches. Treatments for melasma can include topical creams, laser therapy, and chemical peels.

The risks of melasma treatment vary depending on the type of treatment. Some common risks include redness, swelling, and bruising.

The time it takes for melasma treatment to work varies depending on the type of treatment and the severity of the condition.

Melasma can come back after treatment, but the chances of it coming back decrease over time.

There is no sure way to prevent melasma, but there are some things you can do to reduce your risk, such as wearing sunscreen, avoiding sun exposure, and using a skin care routine that is appropriate for your skin type.

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