#1 Telangiectasia Treatment Burnaby

Telangiectasias, also known as ‘spider veins’, are small red and purple dilated blood vessels just under the skin surface. They mostly appear on the cheeks, legs, chin, and nose. Telangiectasia is caused by several factors including weight, a sedentary lifestyle, age, hormones, and sun exposure among others.
Having spider veins can be a source of embarrassment and can lead to esteem issues. Many people suffering from this condition are forced to mask the spider veins with clothing or makeup.
Luckily, our clinic offers the best telangiectasia treatment Burnaby that will help you get rid of those unattractive spider veins.
Telangiectasia Treatment in Vancouver/ Burnaby

Telangiectasia Treatment

#1 Varicose Vein Treatment Burnaby - Orchid Skincare
Spider veins tend to be tiny. Therefore, our specialists use laser treatment including Vbeam, IPL Photo rejuvenation, sclerotherapy, and/or Vascular Laser treatment depending on where the veins are located.
Our non-invasive telangiectasia treatment is safe and effective and will eliminate unsightly spider veins and other conditions like Rosacea and Cherry Angiomas.
The laser treatment targets the blood color (hemoglobin) and dissolves the veins/vessels. Beware that this procedure can be slightly painful and can result in swelling and bruising of the targeted area. Please consult our skin specialist before you undergo any telangiectasia treatment so they can explain the procedure and aftercare treatment instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.
The number of treatments depends on the individual, but we recommend three treatments to eliminate the spider veins. Each treatment will reduce the veins by approximately 50%.

If you have questions regarding our telangiectasia treatment Burnaby, please contact us and our helpful staff will answer your questions and address your concerns. We are committed to ensuring that every one of our customers leaves our clinic fully informed about their condition and treatment options.



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What Happens When You First Visit Orchid Skin Care?

We are committed to making your visit to our clinic a great experience. You will, therefore, be made to feel welcome by our friendly staff.
Our telangiectasia treatment specialists will talk with you to determine your condition and go through the treatment options with you. They will ask the necessary questions to have as much information about you and your medical history as possible. We will ensure you fully understand the treatment procedures and the expected outcomes. We believe in the power of an informed client.

We will also provide you with a pre and post care program to aid your recovery time if and when you decide to undertake the treatment.

Take charge of your skin health today!


Telangiectasias are small, dilated blood vessels that appear just under the skin. They are often red or purple in color and can be found on the face, legs, or other parts of the body.

The most common symptom of telangiectasias is the appearance of small, red or purple lines on the skin. In some cases, telangiectasias may cause itching or pain.

There are a number of different types of telangiectasia treatment available, including:

  • Laser treatment
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Electrosurgery
  • Radiofrequency ablation

The benefits of telangiectasia treatment include:

  • Improved appearance of the skin
  • Reduced risk of complications, such as bleeding or infection
  • Increased self-confidence

The length of time for telangiectasia treatment varies depending on the type of treatment. Laser treatment and sclerotherapy can be done in a single office visit, while electrosurgery and radiofrequency ablation may require several visits.

The recovery time for telangiectasia treatment also varies depending on the type of treatment. Laser treatment and sclerotherapy typically have a very short recovery time, while electrosurgery and radiofrequency ablation may require several days of recovery.

The aftercare instructions for telangiectasia treatment will vary depending on the type of treatment. However, some general aftercare instructions may include:

  • Avoiding strenuous activity
  • Wearing compression stockings
  • Applying ice to the treated area
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